Friday, February 10, 2012


With Valentine's Day looming, I decided to document what I love about my family. A quick snap shot of today - and I mean today as in right now and quick as in super quick because it's getting late on Friday and I am just starting this weekly post. So expect short and poorly edited, but entirely sincere and delivered on time.

I love that she has red hair and we have no idea where it came from. It reminds me of the complicated genetics that form us all and that in some ways everything is random, yet in others it seems completely predetermined. With all that we went through to have a third child, now that she's finally here, it's obvious her soul was destined for our family even if her carrot top is a total mystery. I love that Bea is blanket-crazy. She will snuggle anyone holding - or even wearing - something fleece. She pulls it up to her cheek, sticks her thumb in her mouth and whispers "awwwwww." It will melt the coldest of hearts. I love how Bea knows and loves her sisters most of all and feeds Bunsen at least 50% of whatever is on her highchair tray.

I love Edy's enthusiasm, her originality, her flamboyance. Edy doesn't walk into a room, she twirls. Edy is dramatic and flowery and embraces all that glitters and sparkles. She takes everything in stride. She goes with the Edy flow, and the Edy flow is always fun and exciting. Edy will write a card to someone that rivals any Hallmark creation. She can do a puzzle in record time and don't ever challenge her to a game of Memory. She will win. No mercy. But she will probably draw you a beautiful picture and pair it with a very kind sentiment to make you feel like less of a loser. 

I love that Lu is the opposite of Edy. She is simple and practical and serious. She is a teacher's favorite and a coach's dream. She always tries her best. She hounded me for months to initiate testing for the gifted program. She acquired all the details, compiled the names I needed to know. I started the process, but prepared her for possible failure and the inevitable and ugly disappointment spiral. She got in! A confusing mess of paperwork followed. It took me a while to sit down and really decipher her evaluation. Basically it said that she is gifted at being motivated. Really, seriously motivated.

I love that Jon goes around the house singing all the time. Annoying songs from lots of years ago (Indigo Girls!) and never getting the lyrics right. I love this especially because he is very successful and respected in his career. Two sides to Jon. No fooling around when it comes to providing for his family. No cutting corners. No risky moves. Just early mornings, unpleasant travel, boring accounting issues and day after day of showing up. But at home, he's a complete goofball. I love that we are still quite happy after almost 15 years of marriage and 1,000 years of dating.

That's today's, I mean tonight's, analysis of the MacKenzie 5. Six if we include Bunsen who can be summed up as very sweet, very old and very gassy.

What do you love about your family?


  1. Love. Seriously. Your blog is the best because although we knew each other for a relatively short time a relatively long time ago, I read these posts and feel as though I know these things to be true about you, Jon, and the girls. And I've always envied your mad writing skilz. Your family is so lucky to have you!!

    1. Thanks for your kind comment, Ana. How and when did I know you? I'm intrigued!
