Friday, May 25, 2012


There is no question this week. Just a request that you write something down, call someone you love, do a good deed without expectations, maybe eat a giant bowl of full fat ice cream. Or stale marshmallows if that's all you have.

Jon's father passed away suddenly on Tuesday night. He was a really good man. Soft-spoken, smart, humble, exceedingly committed to his family. He existed on a different, better plane than most of us, above the nonsense that seems to dictate my life. He was simple, but not simple. I realize that doesn't make sense. Steady, gentle, kind.

Jon has been sorting through forty years of memories to write a eulogy. Lots of great stories that capture his father's character and reveal his honorable, easygoing nature. 

Then I had to bring up the only time Jon remembers him getting truly, awfully angry. The one and only time. We were in high school and I pierced Jon's ear with an ice cube and a Mickey Mouse earring. (It was the 80's!) That regrettable incident didn't make the speech, but it is funny to reflect upon because we were dumb and Poppy was right.

Rest in peace, Poppy. Give my mom and sister a big hug. Thank you for Lu and Edy's blue eyes, for forgiving the whole pierced ear thing, and for raising a son who is so much like you in every important way.

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